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Knoydart - just beautiful, but should we do more to nurture our home country?

When we have places as beautiful as this in our own home country, why would we not be proud and want to care for it?

Even in places like this people leave behind their rubbish, in many different forms. Why? I'm not sure I'll ever really understand it.


  1. Hi Hen

    It was good to see a posting about Knoydart, but I'm just wondering what type of rubbish you're talking about? I'm one of the rangers on Knoydart, and we make a big effort with beach cleans etc. Most rubbish on beaches is thrown off fishing vessels, which is an educational problem. If you've seen litter on hills, I'd be surprised...?best, Tommy

  2. Hiya Tommy,

    Thanks for your comment, really good to hear from you.

    Knoydart is the most beautiful place I have ever been to and it certainly wasn't covered in rubbish by any means.

    Believe me when I say that we were surprised to see anything left behind in such a special place! That's why I chose Knoydart as my example. If people can leave mess there, then what hope does anywhere else have.

    We wild camped, out of the way, over a week, moving every day to a new camp. We pride ourselves in knowing how to leave no trace we were ever there, it's part of the experience for us - including dealing with our toilet paper and poo properly!

    The rubbish appeared to be left by others who had camped in obvious camping places. You know the things... burnt bits of foil, toilet paper, crisp packets. Bits of unidentifiable 'stuff' squeezed into rocks.

    I'm thinking mainly of one particular spot by a stunning lochan.

    The last thing I would want to do is say Knoydart is covered in rubbish - it isn't.

    It intrigues me to understand the mentality of people who go to stay out in the wilds and leave their crap behind!

    Warmest wishes,



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